Saturday, February 14, 2009

State Agency Databases - GODORT

State Agency Databases - GODORT 

"Iowa is included -- but not the budget book. 

The Salary book is in a searchable database online through the Legislative Fiscal Bureau at the following URL:
The Des Moines Register also has the same salary book at -- HSM"

Every US State and the District of Columbia, agencies are creating databases of useful information - information on businesses, licensed professionals, plots of land, even dates of fish stocking. Some of this content is available on search engines, but much of it is part of the invisible web.

In any event, no resource we're aware of has tried to pull together all publicly accessible state agency databases until now. Eventually each state page below will have a page listing state government databases by agency. If this project gets a wily programmer, we can talk subject access or even federated search.

Click on a state name below to find a list of databases by agency. This is a wiki, so if you don't see something on a list that should be, feel free to add it as long as the resource is meant to be available to the public and is produced by a government entity in the listed state.

State Agency Databases - GODORT

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