Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Energy Efficiency: Iowa State University

Energy Efficiency: Iowa State University


"FYI -- Energy Info for ISU " -- Stephen

Energy Savings at Iowa State

The goal is an ambitious one -- to save $1.5 million in energy costs every year as compared to the average usage FY98-FY01. Here's the plan, with information on how the university community can help.

Energy-savings plan. ISU's energy-saving plan includes thermostat adjustments, turning off unused equipment and appliances, and utility system efficiencies.

Energy Efficiency Task Force. Here are members of the task force guiding energy-conservation efforts.

Energy Heroes (PDF file). We would like to recognize a few of our energy "heroes" on campus.

Tips for saving energy in the office
Turn it off. Find out how much you can save by turning off your computer, printer, copier and other equipment and appliances.
Energy FAQ (PDF file). When should you turn your fluorescent lights? Can you run a small fan? Keep your refrigerator? Facilities staff answer your questions about energy conservation.

Energy savings in ISU buildings
Building plans. Here are the building-specific energy saving plans.
Implementation Process (PDF file).  Here is the process we used to develop the building specific energy plans.

Goals and progress
Energy dollars. (PDF file). See our progress on a monthly basis.

Energy goal (PDF file).  See our dollar savings on a cumulative basis.

Historical energy use (PDF file). Monthly details of the university's use of electricity, steam and chilled water.

Degree Days (Excel file).  Look at heating and cooling degree-day data for Ames, Iowa.

Building Benchmarks
Fully Metered Benchmark Buildings (Excel file).  See how our fully-metered buildings used electricity, steam and chilled water.

Electrical Benchmark Buildings (Excel file).  Electrical usage for buildings with electric meters only.

BTU's per Gross Square Foot (Excel file).  See how some of our fully-metered buildings compare with EPA's Energy Star Program.

Environmental Exemptions

Exemption Request (PDF form).  If you would like to request environmental conditions other than the 68/78 degree standard, please complete this form, get your Dean or VP to approve the request and forward to FP&M.

About utility services
Utility System Overview. ISU owns and operates a cogeneration power plant to provide cost-effective, reliable utility services to most university buildings.
Utility Plant Diagram (PDF file). Find out how the power plant works to deliver energy.
Utility Rates (PDF file). Here are our rates.

Contact us  We welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions.

Energy Efficiency: Iowa State University

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Reference LibGuides: Preprints - Home

Reference LibGuides: Preprints - Home

"New Preprints Guide from Iowa State Univ. Libraries"   -- Stephen

What are preprints?

"The term “preprint” most often refers to a manuscript that has gone through a peer-review process and now awaits publication in a traditional journal. A preprint accessible over the Web may also be referred to as an “e-print.” Preprints also cover papers that authors have submitted for journal publication, but for which no publication decision has been reached, or even papers electronically posted for peer consideration and comment before submission for publication. In fact, preprints can also be documents that have not been submitted to any journal."
(From Preprint Servers: Pushing the Envelope of Electronic Scholarly Publishing by Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo, Instruction Librarian and Joan G. Packer, Head of Reference. Elihu Burritt Library, Central Connecticut State University. Searcher v. 8, #9, Oct 2000)

Reference LibGuides: Preprints - Home

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Mechanical Engineering - Elsevier

 Mechanical Engineering - Elsevier

"Aero Information from the Journal of Sound and Vibration" -- Stephen


Selected articles from the Journal of Sound and Vibration

Compiled by Dr. David Kennedy, Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff UK

The design of aircraft and spacecraft is a complex multi-disciplinary activity. Aerodynamic, propulsion, structural and systems design requirements lead to multiple, and often competing, objectives and constraints. Following an initial specification of the design requirements, an iterative conceptual design procedure explores numerous alternative design concepts. The preliminary design stage next involves more rigorous analysis and testing of a number of the most promising concepts. The chosen configuration is finally submitted to a detailed design process which provides the engineering data required for tooling, manufacture and certification.

Read the full editorial


External linkNoise radiation of aircraft panels subjected to boundary layer pressure fluctuations
Bilong Liu
Volume 314, Issues 3-5, July 2008

External linkVibration-based damage detection in an aircraft wing scaled model using principal component analysis and pattern recognition
I. Trendafilova, M.P. Cartmell, W. Ostachowicz
Volume 313, Issues 3-5, June 2008

External linkFree vibration of advanced anisotropic multilayered composites with arbitrary boundary conditions
Roland L. Woodcock
Volume 312, Issues 4-5, May 2008

External linkA component-based model for aircraft landing gear noise prediction
Yueping Guo
Volume 312, Issues 4-5, May 2008


External linkVibration control of pre-twisted rotating composite thin-walled beams with piezoelectric fiber composites
Seung-Chan Choi, Jae-Sang Park, Ji-Hwan Kim
Volume 300, Issues 1-2, February 2007

External linkImpact detection in an aircraft composite panel-A neural-network approach
J.R. LeClerc, K. Worden, W.J. Staszewski, J. Haywood
Volume 299, Issue 3, January 2007


External linkInvestigation of acoustical shielding by a wedge-shaped airframe
Carl H. Gerhold, Lorenzo R. Clark, Mark H. Dunn, John Tweed
Volume 294, Issues 1-2, June 2006

External linkActive smart material control system for buffet alleviation
Essam F. Sheta, Robert W. Moses, Lawrence J. Huttsell
Volume 292, Issues 3-5, May 2006


External linkModeling and analysis of a cracked composite cantilever beam vibrating in coupled bending and torsion
Kaihong Wang, Daniel J. Inman, Charles R. Farrar
Volume 284, Issues 1-2, June 2005

External linkNonlinear modal models for sonic fatigue response prediction: a comparison of methods
Joseph J. Hollkamp, Robert W. Gordon, S. Michael Spottswood
Volume 284, Issues 3-5, June 2005

Mechanical Engineering - Elsevier

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Your Library Newsletter -- Iowa State University


Your Library - Newsletter: November 12, 2008

Welcome to Your Library - Newsletter, information about what's been happening at the ISU Library. We welcome your suggestions and feedback on how to improve this newsletter, so if you have a comment, please drop us an email.

13,100 Print Serials Still Available at Your Iowa State University Library
Despite converting many serial subscriptions to electronic format, hard copies have actually increased in number

AccessScience and Conference Proceedings Citation Index Now Available at the ISU Library
An electronic encyclopedia and dictionary for science and technology topics

How Do I Get Research Assistance in the Library?
From "Help & Information" to "Live Chat 24/7," your Library has a number of ways to help on-site, online, and remote users.

Encourage Your Grad Students to Subscribe to Our RSS Feed
Check the latest headlines and news on the library website.

Mark Vasquez
First Flack Learning Connections Center Student Assistant award recipient works hard to help staff and students.

Papers of Naturalist Sylvan Runkel Available in Special Collections Department
The Special Collections Department houses the papers of Sylvan Runkel, a naturalist, educator, and author.

ISU Library awarded $200,000 Grant from Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust for New Classroom
Multimedia workstations and a flexible learning environment will benefit the instruction program.

Library Seminars are Now Available Online
Video recordings of the spring 2008 seminars, including Zotero, EndNote Web, and more.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government

The Business Gateway to the U.S. Government, the official business link to the U.S. Government, is managed by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) in a partnership with 21 other federal agencies. This partnership, known as Business Gateway, is a Presidential E-government initiative that provides a single access point to government services and information to help the nation's businesses with their operations.

Helping Businesses Comply with Regulations

In fiscal year 2003, businesses and citizens spent approximately 8.2 billion hours and $320 billion filling out paperwork and complying with government regulations, according to a report by the Small Business Paperwork Relief Task Force. Users spent much of this time navigating complex government hierarchies and wading through millions of documents meant to help their businesses become compliant with laws and regulations. helps businesses save time and money spent on regulatory compliance by providing quick and easy access to business laws, government regulations, forms and agency contacts. - Official Business Link to the U.S. Government

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The Sant Ocean Hall

 The Sant Ocean Hall

The Sant Ocean Hall

What do you get when the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) team up to create an exhibit about the ocean? Our breathtaking new Sant Ocean Hall!


Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water, Our World is the companion volume to the Sant Ocean Hall.  Gifted science writer Deborah Cramer reveals the myriad ways the sea is essential to all of us, wherever we live.

Fun Fact
Giant Clams (Tridacna gigas) are the world's largest bivalve species. Native to the South Pacific and Indian Ocean, giant clams reach 136-227kg (300-500 lbs).
More Fun Facts

Subscribe to the Sant Ocean Hall's RSS Feed
and keep up with the latest developments!

The Sant Ocean Hall

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