Thursday, December 27, 2007

FirstScience - Top physics laboratories sign up to open access with PhysMath Central

FirstScience - Top physics laboratories sign up to open access with PhysMath Central

PhysMath Central, the Open Access publisher for Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science, today announced membership agreements with the CERN and DESY high-energy physics laboratories. Under these agreements the organizations will centrally cover article-processing charges for all research published by their investigators in the peer-reviewed open access journal, PMC Physics A.

PMC Physics A is edited by professor Ken Peach of University of Oxford and Royal Holloway and was launched in October 2007. All articles published in the journal are made immediately and freely available on the web in their final published form and are indexed by speciality databases such as SPIRES.

Jens Vigen, CERN head librarian commented “This membership program is an important, intermediate, step towards the SCOAP3 publishing model, where high-energy physics literature will be open access and article processing costs borne centrally in a transparent way for authors”. Salvatore Mele, SCOAP3 project leader, echoing Vigen’s views, stated “The SCOAP3 consortium will be open to all high-quality peer-reviewed journals, including emerging publishing outlets as well as established titles”.

Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Research Director at DESY, is also optimistic about the future. "We at DESY have long been active supporters of open access and welcome this new OA journal. This is another important step in removing access barriers to knowledge about high-energy physics experiments and theories. Increased choice and diversity is a benefit to all, leading to a healthy and dynamic market in academic publishing in particle physics, in line with the spirit of SCOAP³."

PhysMath Central’s Christopher Leonard commented, “We are exceptionally pleased to welcome these major institutions on board. This reinforces CERN and DESY’s commitment to supporting open access publication of the research from their laboratories. Central funding for article processing charges makes life much simpler for authors, and so accelerates the take up of open access.”


FirstScience - Top physics laboratories sign up to open access with PhysMath Central

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

National Pesticide Information Center - Home Page


National Pesticide Information Center - Home Page


NPIC provides objective, science-based information about pesticides and pesticide-related topics to enable people to make informed decisions about pesticides and their use. NPIC is a cooperative agreement between Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


The Infobase searches all of the following:

EPA Pesticide Web Sites
Federal Register
E-Gov Docket Documents, 2002-present
Code of Federal Regulations Title 40
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations - Title 40 - Beta
US Code: Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act


Technical Pesticide Information contains -- 

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Science Video Sharing for Gifted Students

Science Video Sharing for Gifted Students

There are more and more groups of professionals who are committed to making information freely available to the public through the Internet. Many universities and scientists are willing to share their lectures and expertise. Instructional videos are available for students of all ages—elementary through graduate school.

SciVee is operated in partnership with the Public Library of Science (PLoS), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). It has a relatively new Web site that contains some material for elementary students and larger quantities of material for older students through scientists. Young people who are interested in careers in science will be fascinated by the various topics being studied. Just seeing what is going on at different universities may help students focus on their future objectives.
Examples of videos available at the sight include Where Does Water Go When It Rains? Dissections, and Freezing by Boiling. There is also much information on highly sophisticated topics that will be appealing for highly able high school students.
Bio-Alive Life Science is another open access Web site. Available here are university lectures and videos on the human skeletal system, tissue engineering, aging genes to name just a few.
Some scientists have been amazed at the number of people who are watching university lectures on the Internet now. Viewers come from a wide age range. Some are elementary school children; many are high school students; and numerous others are adults who want to know more about science for a myriad of reasons.
Remember that these new uses of technology are still in their infancy; they are certainly on the verge of exploding, changing the way we learn.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Test from Flock

This is a test of the blogging feature with the Flock browser.

Thanks -- HSM

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Chemistry's open access dilemma

Chemistry's open access dilemma 

Chemistry's open access dilemma

It was no surprise when, on 13 November, President Bush vetoed a bill that aimed to make all National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research publications freely available on the web. After all, the 'open access' policy was just a tiny part of a $150 billion multi-agency proposition which Bush had lambasted as 'a spending spree'. 


Few chemists publish in open assess journals

But the saga has highlighted a widening rift in the chemical community over open access publishing - and the contentious provision could yet be revived. 

The bill, passed by Congress earlier in the month, would have forced over 200,000 researchers worldwide, including many chemists, to post all peer reviewed findings on PubMed Central (PMC) within 12 months of publication in a traditional journal. 

The agency's current policy of simply asking grantees to deposit their articles on PMC has resulted in only 4 per cent actually doing so. 

Major scholarly societies joined the Association of American Publishers (AAP) in lobbying against the proposal, including the American Chemical Society (ACS), the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, the Biochemical Society, and the RSC (publishers of Chemistry World)

Nonetheless, with a majority of 274-141 in the House of Representatives backing the bill on 8 November, the proposal may yet make its way into law, even if that has to wait for the next administration.  

But the battle lines are already being drawn. The ACS wants the NIH policy to remain voluntary. 'Depending on how they implement this, it could represent a federal taking of copyrighted materials,' ACS spokesman Glenn Ruskin told Chemistry World

A compulsory policy would need costly monitoring and penalisation systems, Ruskin said. 'Why expend monies on a mandatory policy, when they could get to their endpoint a lot quicker if they just worked more cooperatively with the publishers?' 

'The idea of public access to research information is a little bit specious,' added Robert Parker, managing director of RSC publishing. 'The UK government will be funding the London Olympics in 2012, but that doesn't mean that everybody can have free tickets - there is a big difference between funding something and having it be freely available.' 

But the open access provision is endorsed by a coalition of more than 200 academic libraries, the US Chamber of Commerce, and numerous scholarly societies.  

Chemisty's open access dilemma

Titles listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, sorted by discipline

They're concerned that the academies are acting more like profit-hungry companies than scholarly associations. And in October, an anonymous memo from an alleged 'ACS insider' ratcheted up the tension by accusing the society of working to undermine the open access movement. Circulated to librarians, university administrators, and to at least one public listserv, it claims that 'management is much more concerned with getting bonuses and growing their salaries rather than doing what is best for membership.' 

The ACS argues that staff bonuses are tied to the financial performance of the entire organisation. 'If we weren't financially viable, that would position us poorly to advance our members' needs,' Ruskin said. 


Meanwhile, a campaign launched a few months ago by the AAP to communicate the risks of government interference in scientific and scholarly publishing is becoming increasingly controversial. 

The Partnership for Research Integrity in Science and Medicine (PRISM) argues that the Congress bill could damage peer review by compromising the viability of non-profit and commercial journals. Predictably, the campaign has sparked outrage among open access lobby groups. In the wake of the furore, nine publishers have disavowed PRISM, including Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press and University of Chicago Press. The ACS - which had been closely involved with PRISM - has now also played down links with the campaign. 

Wider impact

If it is ever signed into law, the new NIH policy could filter down to other US federal agencies and affect disciplines beyond the biomedical sciences. 

For the moment, that looks unlikely. Bush vetoed the bill because, in his words, legislators were 'acting like a teenager with a new credit card', and not specifically because of the open access provision.  

However, the White House has also recently warned that any open access policy should consider 'the possible impact that grant conditions could have on scientific research publishing, scientific peer review and on the United States' longstanding leadership in upholding strong standards of protection for intellectual property'. 

Meanwhile, in the UK, progress on the issue has ground to a halt. Nearly four years ago, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee launched an inquiry into the scientific publishing industry.  

The committee's July 2004 recommendations, which included a proposal to make all publicly funded scientific research in the UK freely available online, were ultimately rejected by the government. 

But the drumbeat for open access publishing has been growing louder over the last decade.  

PubMed Central now contains over one million items, such as articles and editorials, and is said to be growing by at least 7 per cent annually (although similar growth is seen across conventional journals, too).  

And physicists have arXiv - which houses preprint articles dating back to 1991 and has more recently been expanded to include disciplines like mathematics and computer science. The database contains over 440,000 e-prints with around 4000 added every month. 

Chemical equilibrium?

Chemistry, however, has yet to embrace either open access or pre-print archives (see 'Surfing Web2O', p46) . While there are more than 60 small open access chemistry journals (see figure), no major chemistry publications are fully open access. 

According to Bryan Vickery, editorial director of Chemistry Central - an offshoot of open access publisher BioMed Central - the most important resources for chemists, like Chemical Abstracts and the Beilstein Database, are still locked behind hefty subscription fees. 

'Many of the problems we are helping to solve are biology-related,' he said. 'We need to be maximising the visibility of our outstanding research, not hiding it behind subscription barriers.' 

The fields that have more readily welcomed open access are those with a pressing need for widespread collaboration. For example, high energy physics traditionally has a very strong preprint culture, partly because researchers must cooperate to efficiently use the incredibly expensive technology they need. 

Many chemists, on the other hand, are not eager to share their data before publication because their experiments could be repeated quickly and easily in another lab. In addition, unlike particle physics, significant areas of chemistry lend themselves to patentability and commercial exploitation. 

Chemisty's open access dilemma

Open access chemistry journals (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Brave new world

As a result, the steps taken by the RSC and ACS to enter this new world of publishing have received a stilted response from chemists. 

For roughly a year, the RSC has had an Open Science service that allows authors to pay to make their article freely accessible to all. The basic fee for a primary research article is £1600 with a 15 per cent discount for RSC members, owner societies of RSC journals, and authors from subscribing organisations. So far, just four authors have participated.  

Likewise, only 40 articles are available through AuthorChoice, the ACS's one-year-old foray into open access, which has an upfront fee of $3000 for non-ACS members with discounted rates for members and subscribing institutions. 

'Most practising chemists in the first world have reasonable if not excellent access to the journals they need or want,' explained Steven Bachrach, a computational chemist at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, US.  

'OA just does not really offer much advantage for these people - and a serious disadvantage because now they have to pay to publish - and where is that money going to come from? Not from their grants.' 

However, Vickery believes that a growing number of members of not-for-profit learned societies are questioning whether the large surplusses they earn from their journals are being wisely spent - a point roundly refuted by the societies in question. 

And some chemists now see the rise of open access as inevitable. 'Daily we see more people coming onboard . any company or publisher who fails to prepare for open access is being very foolish,' said Peter Murray Rust, a chemist who leads a research team at the University of Cambridge, UK, and is an ardent open access advocate. 

Indeed, there are calls for bold and decisive leadership on this increasingly divisive issue from all sides of the chemistry community. 'Vision is needed. Where we are at the moment is unacceptable,' said the ACS's Ruskin. 

Rebecca Trager, US correspondent for Research Day USA

Opinions expressed in this article do not represent the views of the RSC, unless explicitly stated. To read the RSC policy on open access publishing vist website.

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Nanodot: Nanotechnology News and Discussion » Blog Archive » Make money publishing your nanotechnology research

Nanodot: Nanotechnology News and Discussion » Blog Archive » Make money publishing your nanotechnology research 

Here’s a different model of research publishing: nanotechnology researchers can now publish their nanotech work and get paid via journal-related advertising and sponsorship, over at AZojono, the “online journal of nanotechnology”:

• Authors receive a revenue share of 50% of the related revenue their contributions attract.
• Peer reviewers receive a revenue share of 20%.
• The site administrators receive a revenue share of 30%.

This model is called OARS for Open Access Rewards System. It’s not completely open, however, as Chief Editor David Freund commented, “…AZoJono’s open access approach using our patented OARS (Open Access Author Rewards) system is starting to gain some significant traction as a highly successful mechanism for researchers to broadcast their findings to the global Nanotech community.” Patenting the approach doesn’t seem to be quite in the spirit of open access.

In any case, if this model catches on — and if it can enforce quality control — it looks like a good deal for authors and reviewers, especially compared to many journals that charge for the privilege of publishing. Plus, it is free for readers. —Christine

Nanodot: Nanotechnology News and Discussion » Blog Archive » Make money publishing your nanotechnology research

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Friday, December 7, 2007

CTWatch Quarterly » Web 2.0 in Science

CTWatch Quarterly » Web 2.0 in Science 

Web 2.0 in Science

Timo Hannay, Nature Publishing

CTWatch Quarterly
August 2007

What is Web 2.0?

Perhaps the only thing on which everyone can agree about Web 2.0 is that it has become a potent buzzword. It provokes enthusiasm and cynicism in roughly equal measures, but as a label for an idea whose time has come, no one can seriously doubt its influence.

So what does it mean? Web 2.0 began as a conference,[1] first hosted in October 2004 by O’Reilly Media and CMP Media. Following the boom-bust cycle that ended in the dot-com crash of 2001, the organisers wanted to refocus attention on individual web success stories and the growing influence of the web as a whole. True, during the late 1990s hype and expectations had run ahead of reality, but that did not mean that the reality was not epochal and world-changing. By the following year, Tim O’Reilly, founder of the eponymous firm and principal articulator of the Web 2.0 vision, had laid down in a seminal essay[2] a set of observations about approaches that work particularly well in the online world. These included:

  • “The web as a platform”
  • The Long Tail (e.g., Amazon)
  • Trust systems and emergent data (e.g., eBay)
  • AJAX (e.g., Google Maps)
  • Tagging (e.g.,
  • Peer-to-peer technologies (e.g., Skype)
  • Open APIs and ‘mashups’ (e.g., Flickr)
  • “Data as the new ‘Intel Inside’” (e.g., cartographical data from MapQuest)
  • Software as a service (e.g.,
  • Architectures of participation (e.g., Wikipedia)

The sheer range and variety of these concepts led some to criticize the idea of Web 2.0 as too ill-defined to be useful. Others have pointed out (correctly) that some of these principles are not new but date back to the beginning of the web itself, even if they have only now reached the mainstream. But it is precisely in raising awareness of these concepts that the Web 2.0 meme has delivered most value. Now, those of us without the genius of Jeff Bezos or Larry Page can begin to glimpse what the web truly has to offer and, notwithstanding the overblown hype of the late 1990s, how it really is changing the world before our eyes.

Initially the first item in the list above – the web as platform – seemed to have primacy among the loose collection of ideas that constituted Web 2.0 (see, for example, Figure 1 in [2]). The most important thing seemed to be that talent and enthusiasm in software development was migrating from traditional operating system platforms to the web. New applications were agnostic with respect to Unix versus Macintosh versus Windows and were instead designed to operate using web protocols (specifically, HTTP and HTML) regardless of the precise underlying software running on the server or client machines.

However, this view taken on its own overlooks one very important reason why that migration has happened: the web is more powerful than the platforms that preceded it because it is an open network and lends itself particularly well to applications that enable collaboration and communication. With his usual eye for pithy phrasing, Tim O’Reilly described this aspect using the terms “architecture of participation”[3] and “harnessing collective intelligence.”[2] He pointed out that the most successful web applications use the network on which they are built to produce their own network effects, sometimes creating apparently unstoppable momentum. This is how a whole new economy can arise in the form of eBay, why tiny craigslist and Wikipedia can take on the might of mainstream media and reference publishing, and why Google can produce the best search results by surreptitiously recruiting every creator of a web link to its cause. In time, this participative aspect came to the fore, and these days “Web 2.0″ is often seen as synonymous with websites that do not merely serve users but also involve them, thus enabling them to achieve that most desirable of business goals: a service that gets better for everyone the more people use it.

This brief survey will use a relatively broad definition of Web 2.0. So, while it will deal mainly with participative services and network effects, it will also cover certain other aspects of the original Web 2.0 vision that have particular relevance in science, including mashups and tagging.

Social software

If a cornerstone of the Web 2.0 meme is the web as a global, collaborative environment, how is this being put to use in perhaps the most global and collaborative of all human endeavors: scientific research? An irony often observed by those of us working in science communication is the fact that, although the web was originally invented as means for sharing scientific information,[4] scientists have been relatively slow to fully embrace its potential. Blogging, for example, has become undeniably mainstream, with the number of bloggers somewhere in the high tens of millions[5] (among a billion or so web users[6]). Yet among a few million scientists worldwide, only perhaps one or two thousand are blogging, at least about science,[7][8] and most of these are relatively young. By contrast, academic economists,[9] for example, even very distinguished ones, seem to have embraced this new medium more enthusiastically.

Scientific blogging is still a niche activity, and what data there are suggest that it is not yet growing fast. For example, Alexa reports[10] that ScienceBlogs,[11] where many of the most prominent scientist-bloggers post their thoughts, has shown little traffic growth over the last twelve months, and the scientific blog tracking service[12] (created by an employee of Nature Publishing Group) shows the volume of posts from the blog in its index holding still at about 2,500 posts a week.[13] Similarly, scientists appear reluctant to comment publicly on research papers.[14][15] The blogging bug, it seems, has yet to penetrate the scientific citadel. This is a shame because blogs are a particularly effective means for one-to-many and many-to-many communication, and science no less than other spheres stands to gain from its judicious adoption.

Yet the participative web is about much more than blogging and commenting. Figure 1 below summarizes the manifold types of social software that exist online, all of them relevant in some way to scientific research.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Categories of social software.

Wikis: These have existed since the mid-1990s,[16] but it took the astonishing rise of Wikipedia during the middle part of this decade for the potential of wikis to become widely appreciated. We can now see numerous examples of scientific wikis, from collaborative cataloguing and annotation projects like WikiSpecies [17] and Proteins Wiki [18] to open laboratory notebooks like OpenWetWare [19] and UsefulChem.[20] These all represent sensible uses of wikis, which are best employed to enable groups of geographically dispersed people to collaborate in the creation of a communal document with an identifiable objective aim (as in Wikipedia, WikiSpecies and Proteins Wiki), or to allow individuals or small, real-world teams to share freeform information with others around the world (as in OpenWetWare and UsefulChem). In contrast, experiments at the Los Angeles Times [21] and Penguin Books [22] have demonstrated that wikis are not well suited to the creation of opinioned or fictional content – because the end goal cannot possibly be shared by all contributors at the outset. A particularly interesting recent development has been the launch of Freebase,[23] the latest brainchild of parallel computing pioneer and polymath Danny Hillis. This takes a wiki-like approach to open contributions, but provides an underlying data model more akin to relational databases and the Semantic Web,[24] allowing specific relationships between entities to be expressed and queried. Whilst Freebase is not aimed mainly at scientists, scientific topics are among those covered. It will be interesting to see how this approach fares over the less technically sophisticated but arguably less restrictive approach represented by traditional wikis.

Voting: Slashdot [25] and more recently digg [26] have become staple information sources for computer nerds and web geeks everywhere. Their traffic, which ranks them among the top media organisations on the planet,[27] belies their meager staff numbers (which, compared to a daily newspaper’s, are as near to zero as makes no difference). Like all good Web 2.0 sites, they exert their influence by getting readers to contribute: in this case by providing stories, links and comments – then other users to decide what’s most interesting by casting votes. In the case of digg, the users even decide which stories get elevated to the front page. Such sites, like search engines, are sometimes criticized for being parasitical on the mainstream media stories to which they link (after all, they generate no content, only link to it). But this is to misunderstand the value they add, which is to help people decide where to direct their scarce attention in an age of often oppressive information overload. They are no more parasitical on journalism than journalism is on the newsmakers themselves (after all, journalists don’t make the news, only report it – well, most of the time). Yet these services do have a very different feel to those in which the content is selected by an editor, and the optimum approach in some cases may be to marry the ‘wisdom of crowds’ (to highlight interesting stories) with professional editorial expertise (to provide a final selection and put these items in context). These systems are also vulnerable to the ‘tyranny of the majority’ and to cynical gaming, so even while they save on traditional editorial staff, the operators of these sites do face other challenges in maintaining a useful service.

Of course, similar problems of information overload apply in science, so it is natural to ask whether it is possible to use these approaches to help scientists to help themselves. Sure enough, sites like ChemRank,[28] SciRate [29] and BioWizard [30] have appeared. Nature Publishing Group has a few of its own experiments in this area, including: DissectMedicine,[31] a collaborative news system for medics; Nature China,[32] which includes summaries of the best Chinese research as submitted and voted on by readers; and Scintilla,[33] a scientific information aggregation and personalization tool that employs user ratings in its recommendation algorithms. It is too early to say which of these scientific applications will prevail, but given the demonstrable success of this approach outside science, it seems almost inevitable that some of them will.

File sharing: This is one of those rare areas in which scientists – or at least some of them – have blazed a trail well ahead of the mainstream. Physicists (and a few others) have been sharing preprints (unpeer-reviewed manuscripts) through the server [34] since 1991 (and even before that, they shared their findings with each other by email or post). Now, the web is replete with ways of sharing various types of content, from documents [35] to videos [36] to slides.[37] And scientific services, too, have begun to diversify, from Nature Precedings,[38] a preprint server and document-sharing service for those outside physics, and the Journal of Visualized Experiments,[39] a way for scientists to share videos of experimental protocols.

Social networks: Perhaps the most obviously social of all social software are those that enable the creation of personal networks of friends and other like-minded people. The use of services like MySpace [40] and Facebook [41] has become almost ubiquitous among young people in many countries. The average age of users is now starting to grow as they break away from their core teenage and college student markets.[42] Meanwhile, LinkedIn [43] has become a favourite networking tool among business people. Once again, medics and scientists are following the mainstream with sites like Sermo [44] for clinicians and Nature Network for scientists.[45] These environments are not only for finding and contacting new people with shared interests (though they are good for that too and therefore have potential in everything from job-seeking to dating), they also enable the creation of discussion groups and allow users to efficiently follow the activities (e.g., in terms of posts and comments) of others whose views they find interesting. Correctly implemented and used, these services therefore have great potential to make scientific discourse more immediate, efficient and open. A major unanswered question, however, is the interoperability and openness of the services themselves. No one wants to have to register separately on multiple different sites or lock up their details in a system over which they have no control. Federated authentication technologies like OpenID [46] and other approaches to interoperability hold promise, but it remains to be seen how enthusiastically they will be embraced by the operators of social networking services, and how receptive they will be to the idea of partial cooperation rather than outright competition.

Classified advertising: This may seem like a strange category to include here, but newspaper small ads are arguably the original grassroots participative publishing service. It is perhaps no coincidence, then, that they have been among the first areas of traditional publishing to fall victim to lean and radical Web 2.0 startups, most famously craigslist.[47] Particularly among careers services, there is also keen competition to turn simple ads services into social networks, as epitomized by Jobster,[48] and the distinction between social networks and career services is only likely to blur further. Though some very large employers, notably Britain’s National Health Service [49] have established their own online jobs boards, effectively disintermediating their former advertising outlets, this revolution has yet to hit the medical and scientific advertising realm with full force. One early sign of the changes to come was the switch by NatureJobs in late 2006 from an arrangement in which online ads were sold as part of a portfolio of products to a ‘freemium’ model [50] in which simple online listings are provided free and other services such as rich, targeted or print advertisements are sold as add-ons. This reflects the different economics of operating online, where the marginal cost to serve an extra advertiser is low and the benefits of providing a single comprehensive jobs database high.

Markets: EBay [51] is in some ways the definitive Web 2.0 company: it is a pure market in which the company itself does not own any of the goods being traded. Similarly, other services, such as Elance [52] specialize in matching skilled workers to employees with projects that they wish to outsource. In the scientific space, the online trading of physical goods (such as used laboratory equipment) is not yet commonplace, though it might become so in the future. In contrast, the matching of highly trained people to problems does have some traction in the form of ‘knowledge markets’ such as InnoCentive.[53] These are still at an early stage, and they are mostly used by commercial organisations such as pharmaceutical companies, but it is not hard to imagine academic research groups doing the same one day if (as it should) this approach enables them to achieve their goals more quickly and at lower cost.

Virtual worlds: By far the most prominent virtual world is Second Life [54] (though others such as exist too). What sets it apart from online role-playing games like World of Warcraft (which are orders of magnitude more popular) are the facts that they do not have predefined storylines or goals and that they give their users freedom to create and use almost whatever objects they choose, possibly making money in the process. In this sense, they represent a genuine alternative to the real world. Pedants might argue that Second Life is not really a Web 2.0 service because it is not technically part of the web (i.e., it does not use HTML and HTTP, though it can interact with the web in various ways). But at a more abstract level, the participative, user-generated environments that have grown inside Second Life are as good examples as exist anywhere of the ‘architecture of participation’ principle. The greatest scientific potential seems to lie in education and in conferences. Second Life provides an environment in which people from different locations can come together quickly and easily into a shared space that to some extent mimics the real world in important aspects of human communication such as physical proximity, gesture and the ability to seamlessly mix one-to-many with one-to-one communication (e.g., chatting to the person beside you during a lecture). As a result, educators have poured in – around 160 universities now have a presence in Second Life [55] – as have some scientists. There is even a continent called the SciLands where a number of groups with scientific interests have congregated (though from a distance, and to my eyes, its administration appears dauntingly bureaucratic). Nature Publishing Group also has it’s own small archipelago – inevitably called Second Nature and consisting (at the time of this writing) of three separate islands – on which a diverse group of scientists is building and maintaining educational features in evolutionary biology, genetics, cell biology, chemistry and earth sciences, among others. There are also meeting, presentation and poster display areas. The degree of activity and enthusiasm has, quite frankly, astonished us. True, Second Life and other virtual worlds are still at an early stage in their evolution, are clunky to use, and require large doses of patience and practice to get the most out of them. But the same was true of the web during the early 1990s and look what happened there. One major factor working against Second Life’s rapid expansion is the fact that it is a proprietary ‘walled garden’ controlled by a single commercial organisation, Linden Lab. In this sense, it is more like early AOL than the early web. But conversations with staff at Linden Lab suggest that they understand this potential pitfall, and they have already released, as open source, the code to their client application.[56] If the server side code is opened up too, then the eventual results could be as momentous and world-changing as the web itself.

Tagging and folksonomies

One class of social software that deserves special comment is social bookmarking tools.[57] One of the earliest was,[58] and its introduction of tagging – freeform keywords entered by users to facilitate later retrieval – soon gave rise to the concept of the ‘folksonomy,’ [59] a kind of implicit collective taxonomy or ontology generated by the aggregate, uncoordinated activity of many people tagging the same resources. Some commentators, notably Clay Shirky [60] and David Weinberger,[61] have argued (convincingly in my opinion) that this approach, although anarchic, has certain advantages over traditional centralized taxonomic approaches (such as the Dewey Decimal System). In particular, traditional approaches have difficulty dealing with entities that belong in multiple categories (is Nature a magazine or a journal?), or about which our view changes over time (Watson & Crick’s 1953 paper reporting the structure of DNA is in the field of biotechnology, but that word did not exist at the time). Since such challenges are often particularly acute in science, which necessarily operates at the frontiers of human knowledge, it is tempting to wonder whether collaborative tagging can help in that domain too.[62]

Nature Publishing Group has its own social bookmarking and reference management tool, Connotea,[63] heavily inspired by but with certain features added with academic researchers in mind. As well as providing a way for researchers to store, organise and share their reading lists, we were also interested to find out how useful the resultant collective tag metadata could be in helping to automatically link together related online scientific resources. To that end, we developed code for the EPrints institutional repository software [64] that enabled it to query Connotea for tag information and automatically derived related reading suggestions. The experiment proved a success [65] and we have built tagging into many of the applications we have developed since then (e.g., Nature Network, Nature Precedings and Scintilla) with a view to implementing similar features when the data sets grow large enough.

Open data and mashups

Another area with huge potential – but one that I have space to deal with only cursorily here – is that of open scientific data sets and forms of interoperability that allow these to be transferred not only between scientists but also between applications in order to create new visualizations and other useful transformations. There are numerous challenges, but there is also progress to report on each front. Too often scientists are unwilling to share data, whether for competitive or other reasons, though increasingly funders (and some publishers) are requiring them to do so. Even when the data are available, they usually lack the consistent formats and unambiguous metadata that would enable them to be efficiently imported into a new application and correctly interpreted by a researcher who was not present when they were collected. Yet data standards such as CML [66] and SBML [67] are emerging, as are metadata standards such as MIAME.[68] As software applications also adopt these standards, we enter a virtuous circle in which there are increasing returns (at least at the global level) to openly sharing data using common standards.

For a glimpse of the benefits this can bring, witness the work of my colleague, Declan Butler, a journalist at Nature. While covering the subject of avian flu, it came to his attention that information about global outbreaks was fragmented, incompatible, and often confidential. So he took it upon himself to gather what data he could, merge it together and provide it in the form of a KML file, the data format used by Google Earth.[69] Shortly afterwards he overlaid poultry density data.[70] This not only meant the information was now available in one place, it also made it much more readily comprehensible to experts and non-experts alike. Imagine the benefits if this approach, largely the work of one man, was replicated across all of science.

Wither the scientific web?

Over the last 10 years or so, much of the discussion about the impact of the web on science – particularly among publishers – has been about the way in which it will change scientific journals. Sure enough, these have migrated online with huge commensurate improvements in accessibility and utility. For all but a very small number of widely read titles, the day of the print journal seems to be almost over. Yet to see this development as the major impact of the web on science would be extremely narrow-minded – equivalent to viewing the web primarily as an efficient PDF distribution network. Though it will take longer to have its full effect, the web’s major impact will be on the way that science itself is practiced.

The barriers to full-scale adoption are not only (or even mainly) technical, but rather social and psychological. This makes the timings almost impossible to predict, but the long-term trends are already unmistakable: greater specialization in research, more immediate and open information-sharing, a reduction in the size of the ‘minimum publishable unit,’ productivity measures that look beyond journal publication records, a blurring of the boundaries between journals and databases, reinventions of the roles of publishers and editors, greater use of audio and video, more virtual meetings. And most important of all, arising from this gradual but inevitable embracement of technology, an increase in rate at which new discoveries are made and exploited for our benefit and that of the world we inhabit.

1Now called the Web 2.0 Summit –
2O'Reilly, T. "What Is Web 2.0.?", 2005.
3O'Reilly, T. Architecture of Participation., 2003.
4Berners-Lee, T. "Weaving the Web," Texere (London), 2000.
5Sifry, D. "The State of the Live Web,", 2007.
6Nielsen, J. A Billion Internet Users., 2005.
7Nature Publishing Group estimate.
8The science blog aggregator, lists 735 blogs in its index but certainly misses some.
9Anonymous. "The invisible hand on the keyboard," The Economist 3rd August, 2006.
10Alexa –
11ScienceBlogs – – zeitgeist –
14Anonymous. "Overview: Nature's peer review trial,", 2006.
15Liu, S.V. ”Why are people reluctant to join in open review?” Nature, Vol. 447, pp. 1052,.2007.
16Leuf, B. and Cunningham, W. "The Wiki Way," Addison-Wesley, 2001.
17WikiSpecies –
18Proteins Wiki –
19OpenWetWare –
20UsefulChem -
21Anonymous. "Los Angeles Times Suspends 'Wikitorials'," Associated Press,, 2005.
22A Million Penguins –
23Freebase -
24Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., Lassila, O. "The Semantic Web," Scientific American, 2001.
25Slashdot –
26digg -
27See the following comparison on Alexa:
28ChemRank –
29SciRate –
30BioWizard –
31DissectMedicine –
32Nature China –
33Scintilla – –
35Scribd –
36YouTube –
37SlideShare –
38Nature Precedings –
39Journal of Visualized Experiments –
40MySpace –
41Facebook –
42Gonzalez, N. "Facebook Users Up 89% Over Last Year; Demographic Shift," TechCrunch, 2007.
43LinkedIn –
44Sermo –
45Nature Network –
46OpenID –
47craigslist –
48Jobster –
49NHS Jobs –
50Wilson, F. "The Freemium Business Model,", 2006.
51EBay –
52Elance –
53InnoCentive –
54Second Life –
55Nature Publishing Group estimate.
56Linden, P. "Embracing the Inevitable,", 2007.
57Hammond, T., Hannay, T., Lund, B., Scott, J. “Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review,” D-Lib, Vol. 11, no. 4, 2005. –
59Vander Wal, T. Folksonomy., 2007.
60Shirky, C. "Ontology Is Overrated,", 2005.
61Weinberger, D. "Everything is Miscellaneous," Times Books, 2007.
62Hannay, T. "Introduction,", 2005.
63Connotea –
64EPrints –
65Lund, B. "Tagging and Bookmarking In Institutional Repositories,", 2006.
66Chemical Markup Language –
67Systems Biology Markup Language –
68Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment -
69KML –
70Butler, D. "The spread of avian flu with time; new maps exploiting Google Earth’s time series function,", 2007.

URL to article:

CTWatch Quarterly » Web 2.0 in Science

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Surfing Web2O from Chemistry World (RSC)

Surfing Web2O

The rapid evolution of the world wide web is creating fresh opportunities - and challenges - for chemistry. Richard Van Noorden reports

In Short
  • The internet is becoming flooded with free chemical information: from blogs to videos and databases 
  • Linking this data together and interacting via the 'social web' could revolutionise the practice and teaching of chemistry  
  • So-called 'Open Chemistry' faces many challenges: not least maintaining data quality and co-existing with trusted subscription databases 

As chemical reactions go, it was a complete failure. 'Contents of the reaction flask decomposed. Aborted', Drexel University chemist Jean-Claude Bradley and students recorded the day after an attempt to synthesise a catechol aldehyde from adrenaline on 24 January 2006. But the experiment has acquired a peculiar honour: Bradley chose it to be the first written in his group's new online laboratory notebook, in which all experimental data is made public and freely available to web users - a concept he later christened 'Open Notebook Science'. 

Surfing Web2O
Volunteered free chemistry content is flooding the social web
Bradley's idea is simple: most failed experiments are discarded, yet their data could be useful to someone else. Even published papers don't always sufficiently explain the workings behind a successful experiment. In contrast, all Bradley's research and raw data is now documented transparently and almost in real-time. Anyone can see it, comment on it, and use it; and the internet is the perfect vehicle for hosting it. 

Open Notebook Science is just one of many new routes for chemical information to appear on the internet. From searchable molecular databases to the user-editable Wikipedia; from video recordings of experimental protocols to the informal news, gossip and argument posted on chemistry blogs; a huge amount of chemistry can now be retrieved at no cost. 

The emphasis on user-generated content, shared amongst online social networks, is typical of Web 2.0, the umbrella term for the current evolutionary stage of the world wide web. In this 'social web', swamps of data could be powerfully linked together. Search engines can trawl it to pick out whatever another user asks for. And user 'tagging', together with underlying machine-readable descriptions, means that related information can be easily linked. For example, clicking on a molecule could eventually bring up not just a 3D picture and a list of properties, but also the related online articles, experiments, videos and blog posts that refer to it. 

Many web users are already familiar with this potential. They post videos to YouTube; they read blogs; they use social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. But chemists are only just catching on to the possibilities. Some are sure that linking free chemical data on the web will revolutionise the culture and practice of chemistry, aiding collaboration and speedy access to information on an unimaginable scale.  

'Mainstream chemistry has no tradition of openness and electronic collaboration. This is a bottom-up movement, largely composed of young researchers,' explains Peter Murray-Rust, a chemical informatics academic at the University of Cambridge, UK, and a keen advocate of what he terms 'Open Chemistry'.  

Surfing Web2O
Peter Murray-Rust: avid supporter of Open Chemistry
But as Murray-Rust also admits: 'chemistry is the best subject to do this with, but the hardest to sell it to'. The open chemistry model has to prove its worth alongside trusted, high-quality subscription databases and journals. It has to show its volunteered data can be useful and high-quality. And it has to capture the enthusiasm and support of chemists who are, Murray-Rust says, generally apathetic about the possibilities Open Chemistry offers. 

Bloggers ahead 

Murray-Rust takes heart from the irreverent spirit of the fast-growing chemical blogosphere: the hundreds of online diaries where chemists grumble, gossip, joke, argue, inform and inspire. Writers across the chemical sciences post anything from personal experiences as a post-doc to commentaries on the latest published articles, or reports on drug discovery and software technology. They dissect gossip that would a few years ago have been confined to laboratory corridors or the departmental tea-room. Readers relish the blogosphere's witty opinions and (occasional) reasoned analysis, made all the more frank by the internet's easy anonymity. 

The blogosphere has a loyal following, but few chemistry professors write blogs; most authors are graduate students or postdocs. As Open Chemistry supporter Steve Bachrach explained about a year ago when interviewed for web-based chemistry magazine, Reactive Reports: 'I don't have the time to read random thoughts by random individuals. I barely have time to keep up with the traditional literature in my field. The blogosphere just seemed to me to be filled with the rantings of people who have nothing better to do with their time.' Though there is some information to be found, Bachrach now concedes, he still contests that most chemistry blogs have little content in them useful to the busy researcher. 

While many post for fun and interest, riffing around the culture of lab-based chemistry, blogs such as Paul Docherty's Totally Synthetic  provide useful summaries of the latest organic syntheses, effectively acting as global online journal clubs where researchers all over the world chip in with constructive criticism. As blogger Andrew Sun argues, the blogosphere's content is a product of its authors, and it would surely change if more chemistry professors bothered to blog - as happens, to an extent, in other sciences. 

Indeed, a few chemists are using blogs to discuss their own research, as well as comment on others'. Bradley's Open Notebook works on a 'wiki' (a site that any user can edit quickly - the name derives from a Hawaiian word for 'fast'), but he discusses higher-level thinking about the project on a related blog. A few Open Notebook converts, including Cameron Neylon of Southampton University, UK, are attempting Bradley-like online records, and discovering the difficulties of keeping a faithful up-to-date log. Many researchers working in cheminformatics regularly discuss their own research directly on blogs - prominent among them Murray-Rust, and Egon Willighagen at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. In his spare time, Willighagen runs Chemical blog space, a site automatically picking useful information out of the blogs which regularly discuss research in the core chemical sciences.  

Some websites collect chemistry information submitted voluntarily by other researchers. The most famous of these, of course, is Wikipedia - the user-editable encyclopaedia. 'Chemistry is an ideal subject for recording factual information and Wikipedia will soon become acknowledged as the primary chemical reference for undergraduate study,' insists Murray-Rust. Less well-known are such websites as Organic Syntheses, a database of protocols for organic chemists, and Synthetic Pages, a similar, smaller, database which records the personal experiences of chemists attempting particular reactions.  



There are hundreds of blogs related to chemistry on the internet. Chemistry World's own blog  which brings you news, opinion and discussion on the chemical sciences, lists some of our favourites, including: 

Totally Synthetic   

The journal club taken global. Paul Docherty guides organic chemists through the latest syntheses in a beautifully presented, high quality blog which attracts plenty of informed comment.  


With the atmosphere of a lab group's night out in the pub, Paul Bracher coordinates irreverent chemistry gossip.  

In The Pipeline   

Insightful and stylish analysis from Derek Lowe - Chemistry World  columnist and medicinal chemist - keeping readers up to speed on the development and culture of drug discovery. 

post doc ergo propter doc  

Charts the ups and downs of life as an ex-pat postdoc in Canada. Chemistry's very own Bridget Jones? 

The Sceptical Chymist  

Editors working at Nature  and its research journals post interviews and their analysis of developments in chemistry and chemical biology.  


But as scientists are discovering, the internet allows communication beyond the limits of a traditional printed journal article. Thanks to high-capacity broadband internet, it is easy to watch video and audio clips of experiments or lectures, often on video-sharing sites like the Google-owned YouTube, where anyone is encouraged to post content.  

Chemistry videos - with their crowd-drawing explosions and bright colours - attract a popular following on YouTube. Hundreds of chemistry educational initiatives use YouTube to upload videos; so many that each risks being swamped by competing content. The observer interested in the explosive consequences of shaking Mentos mints in Coca Cola can take their pick of over 10,000 YouTube clips, for example, although a ratings system helps to sort out the most eye-catching examples. 

In July this year chemists working on a European nanoscience research project, called Nano2Hybrids, began recording their progress with a series of weekly video diaries, intended both to inform researchers and explain to the general public what being a scientist is like. The project works in partnership with the Vega Science Trust, established by buckyball-discoverer and former RSC president Harry Kroto in 1994. It freely broadcasts a variety of science programmes over the internet, including interviews and recorded lectures from Nobel prize winners. 

Indeed, many universities now post audio and video of research discoveries and chemistry lectures online, in some cases free to access. 'Whether chemistry professors like it or not, students will be using these tools,' says Bradley.  

Innovative web content aimed solely at professional scientists has arrived a little more slowly. But researchers are beginning to post videos of their own experiments on sites such as the Journal of Visualised Experiments  and SciVee: both video-sharing sites that directly target scientists, not the general public. SciVee promotes the idea of launching a video or audio presentation along with a published paper, which it calls a 'pubcast' - much like giving a conference talk which is accessible to all internet-users. Meanwhile, this year has seen a proliferation of podcasts from chemistry journals and science magazines, including Chemistry World, which highlight the latest discoveries in the chemical sciences. 

Chemists are also actively researching together in online forums, though numbers are small. Medicinal chemistry is a noted frontrunner: The Synaptic Leap  is just one website that promotes collaborative biomedical research, focusing on building communities for diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis. Bradley's Open Notebook Science research also looks into the synthesis of anti-malarial agents - as he explains, collaborative involvement in this kind of research can only work where intellectual property squabbling is less important, because little profit can be made from the results.  

One of the most speculative projects includes blogger Mitch Andre Garcia's nascent Chemmunity- which asks chemists to take part in 'a global collaboration to solve interesting and novel chemistry questions. We will take a chemistry question from hypothesis to peer-reviewed chemical paper with all Chemmunity  participants in the author list or acknowledgements.' First up for the 15 members who'd signed up by mid-November is to work out an unusual phenomenon in the crystallisation of hexaiodobenzene.  

Many chemoinformatics researchers and web-technology enthusiasts are excited by the prospects of chemistry communication in internet-based virtual worlds, such as Second Life. This online world already hosts a few islands of chemistry activity, where chemists can gather to discuss science, aided by virtual rotating molecules, conference papers and videos. 

Project Prospect 

One effective example of how the web can enhance content has been provided this year by the RSC's Project Prospect, whereby electronic journal articles are enriched with extra computer-readable metadata. It means readers can click on named compounds, scientific concepts and experimental data in an article to download structures, understand topics, or link through to electronic databases like Iupac's Gold Book.

Surfing Web2O

The applause for this project - which recently marked up its 1000th paper and won the 2007 ALPSP/Charlesworth Award for Publishing Innovation - has demonstrated the potential of machine-readable articles. For the moment, authors are not asked to provide anything special when submitting the material; the work falls to the technical editors. As yet, Prospect lacks the interactivity that would allow users to add extra data to a molecule's pop-up information box, for example.  

Still, the project may help to bolster the tiny numbers of those chemists aware of how the web can enhance chemistry. 'The average head of the average chemistry department probably thinks we are just playing games,' concedes Murray-Rust.

Data drive 

But the greatest source of established free information for research chemists on the internet are the 60+ small open-access journals some delayed open-access archived journals and, especially, the free online chemistry databases that aggregate together information on millions of molecules. 

PubChem, 'the granddaddy of all free chemistry databases', as former medicinal chemist Rich Apodaca puts it, allows users to search almost 11 million compounds. It is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), part of the United States National Institutes of Health, and takes data from over 80 sources, including subscription-access journals such as Nature Chemical Biology. Other free online databases provide particular useful molecular details: NMRShiftDB contains over 20,000 NMR spectra for organic compounds, while ChemExper and eMolecules link a molecule searcher to commercial suppliers. SureChem picks out more than 7 million chemical structures held under US and European patents. And medicinal chemists are particularly well supplied with numerous free databases for drug discovery. 

All have to compete against the authority - and guaranteed quality - of subscription journals and databases. Elsevier's Beilstein database, and CAS (the chemical abstracts service, a division of the American Chemical Society (ACS)) along with its delivery services SciFinder and STN, are still the undisputed gold standards.  

Revolution in bits  

Open chemistry advocates are frustrated by the way chemical data is fragmented between different closed databases. They reluctantly concede that gaining 'Open Access' to chemistry journals is a tough cause to fight . But 'Open Data' is quite a different proposition - publishers could well restrict access to journal papers while still freeing online records of their molecules and spectra, for example.  

The possible benefits of this approach to the chemical community are already apparent, via an online service called ChemSpider, which launched in March 2007. It promises chemists free access to almost 18 million compounds, sourced from free chemistry databases. Plans are to turn the service into a search engine - a chemical version of Google - which automatically 'spiders' across web chemistry publications and databases looking for structures, much as Google trawls through the text of the internet.  

CAS doesn't permit web search engines to scour its database, even though searchers would have to pay for any CAS information they were pointed towards. Indeed, ACS doesn't allow Google to index its journal articles, so for the moment the search engine's power is limited.  

Still, Murray-Rust's own CrystalEye project is aggregating x-ray crystal structures, from the CIFs (crystallographic information files) that publishers demand as supplementary material for online articles. These don't fall under copyright laws, so it is possible to build up a free online database of crystal structures, even though they belong to closed-access papers.  

Turning vast quantities of online data into a useful resource poses two significant problems. First, maintaining quality is crucial. No chemist wants to be faced with hundreds of incorrect chemical structures, or directed to blog posts of drivel, but that is the inevitable result of allowing search engines to pick through unchecked data. This is exactly what publishers and database owners guarantee to avoid by paying staff to oversee their publications, although some Open Chemistry advocates point to the success of Wikipedia as proof that community editing can establish acceptable levels of quality control. 

The second problem is making the data searchable. Google searches only by plain text, which is not always ideal for the chemical community. They need a chemical version of the XML metadata that, unseen, holds the regular internet together. Many computer chemists are developing machine-readable languages that represent molecular structures - systems include SMILES, Chemical Mark-up Language (the chemical version of HTML) and the Iupac International Chemical Identifier (Inchi). And of course, customised RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds can automatically trawl users' favourite information resources to gather the latest updates into one place. 

And yet, Bachrach insists, the biggest problem is cultural - persuading chemists that they would benefit from access to other people's data is not easy, particularly as many chemists already have access to paid-for databases. 'Chemistry is a conservative subject,' fumes Murray-Rust. 'The chemical information market is now holding back opportunities.'  

Bachrach agrees, pointing out that because some established journals refuse pre-published submissions, he would never publish original research on a blog or wiki. And chemists need their work to appear in those journals, because they determine career progress as viewed by university faculty and funding bodies.  

But while the kinetics may be slow for open chemistry supporters, the thermodynamics are on their side. The next generation of professional chemists are far more likely to be in tune with web-based chemistry, treating blogs and social networking sites as professional tools in the same manner as email. For Open Chemistry advocates, the inevitable passage of time may be enough to usher in their revolution. Or, as Bachrach puts it: 'We may 
simply have to wait for the 
dinosaurs to die.' 


Further Reading

P Murray-Rust, Nature Precedings, 2007, in press (open access manuscript):
P Ertl and S Jelfs, Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 2007, 7, 1491  

Also of interest

Project Prospect Home

For FAQs, examples, contact information and latest news about Project Prospect


The Chemistry World Blog

Related Links

Link icon Totally synthetic
For better browsing experience

Link icon Chembark
Chemists talkin' chemistry

Link icon In the pipeline
Weblog about developments in pharmacology and chemistry

Link icon The Sceptical Chymist
Chemistry from nature

Link icon Open notebook science
Useful chemistry

Link icon Peter Murray-Rust
Peter Murray-Rust

Link icon Reactive reports
Chemistry WebMagazine

Link icon Chemical blog space
Summary of chemistry blogs

Link icon Wikipedia Chemistry Portal
Chemistry Portal

Link icon Organic synthesis
A publication or reliable methods for the preparation of organic compounds

Link icon Synthetic pages
SyntheticPages is a freely available interactive database of synthetic chemistry

Link icon Nano2hybrids

Link icon Vega science trust
An independent broadcaster of informed scientific visual and audio media

Link icon JoVE
Journal of visuualised experiments

Link icon the Synaptic leap
To provide a network of online research communities that connect and enable open source biomedical research

Link icon Chemmunity
Chemmunity is an experiment to see whether the internet and Web 2.0 technologies can facilitate a global collaboration

Link icon Second life
Second Life is a 3-D virtual world

Link icon PubChem
Information on biological activities of small molecules

Link icon ChemSpider
Building a Chemical Structure Centric Community for Chemists

Link icon P Murray-Rust Nature proceedings
Pre-publication research and preliminary findings

Link icon Thirty-Two Free Chemistry Databases
Rich Apodaca blog

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

New open access proceedings service supports earth and environmental science conferences

New open access proceedings service supports earth and environmental science conferences

22/11/2007Monday 19 November 2007 saw the launch of IOP Conference Proceedings: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) a fast, efficient and low-cost open access proceedings service dedicated to conferences specializing in the earth and environmental science disciplines.

Based on IOP Publishing’s highly successful open access proceedings in physics, EES allows conference organizers to create a comprehensive record of their event and make a valuable contribution to the open access literature that will be of long-lasting benefit to their research communities.

As part of the service’s launch, EES is waiving a total of US$5000 of publication fees for a number of conferences who expect to publish their proceedings during 2008.

We are delighted to announce that the first conference to qualify for this is the 14th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS2008) which takes place on 23–25 June 2008, Risø National Laboratory, DTU, Roskilde, Denmark.

Professor Jakob Mann, Risø National Laboratory, Technical University of Denmark, commented:

"We are very pleased to have qualified for free publication. We chose EES because we had good recent experiences with IOP Publishing's Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP’s efficient electronic and printed proceedings service is a great help for any conference organizer."

Visit IOP Conference Proceedings: Earth and Environmental Science to find out more about publishing your proceedings.

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